Friday, October 9, 2020

Session 1 Exhibition

 Can you believe the Eagles ran an entire Exhibition on their own?! 

I am still in awe and so proud of them!

The afternoon began with an Eagle Panel- Eagles teaching their families how they learn, how they make decisions in the studio through Town Hall, how they show mastery, guardrails they are not able to cross, what the Hero's Journey is, and the Ticket system they have created to assure all Eagles follow the contract. 

The Eagles then took their families on a Learning Tour, showing them the programs they use for learning, their Memoir writing, artwork, and how they track their progress. 

An Eagle then called everyone to the carpet to show their Lip Dub, Hakuna Matata.  A Lip Sync created and completed entirely by the Eagles.  

For the last 6 weeks, the Eagles have been working hard to craft their Studio Contract- a list of promises made by them.  As a community of the tribe, the Eagles signed the Contract and Rules of Engagement (their promises for discussion time), pledging their promise to uphold these rules for themselves and others. 

The Eagles closed out their first Exhibition with a short reflection.  Many expressed that their final showcase was a huge improvement of their practice runs that morning.  They were Heroes who learned from their mistakes, listened to their peers, and made the needed changes.  Overall, they were proud of their hard work and how they joined together to present their learning to the parents.  

What a great learning process for everyone involved! Thank you for being a part of your Hero's learning. Here's to the next 6 weeks! 

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