Friday, June 11, 2021

June 7-11

In our Games Quest, many Eagles have completed their requirements for Level 1 games and are exploring Level 2.  These games are more challenging, have more complicated rules, and require more strategy or teamwork.  


As a team, Eagles can earn points for their Squad by playing team games.  The winning team earns 20 points towards the Squad Cup that will be given to the winning team at the Exhibition.  Many Eagles played Red Rover for their first time ever for a chance to win points for their team. 

The most popular Level 2 game quickly became Dodgeball! The Eagles chose to pick team captains and have the team captains choose members.  The teams then created a middle line and boundaries.  After reading the rules of the game, they have spent over 3 hours this week playing Dodgeball! 

In Writer's Workshop, we are still focusing on reflection.  Each day Eagles are faced with a question that challenges them to think about their choices and experiences during Quest. 


On Fridays, Eagles are given multiple questions to answer and have critiqued by their peers.  Most sessions, Eagles are working on one or two pieces to take through the Writing Process.  At the end of this session, they will have a total of 16 different reflections!  Eagles have the choice to handwrite or type their responses, as well as keep them as one document or 16 different pages.  


In the last 2 weeks many Eagles have earned Badges! John mastered Khan Early Math and 2nd grade to earn his Level 1 and 2 math badges!  Layla showered mastery in Level 2 math and our first Writer's Workshop badge was earned!  To earn her badge, Grae had to complete multiple Writer's Workshops, have them checked for excellence by the Excellence Committee.  Congraulations on your hard work and perseverance Eagles! 


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June 6 - 10

In our Growing Curiosity Quest, Justin from  Avant Garde Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shared with us the art of his sport.  Eagles learned how to cre...