Friday, April 23, 2021

April 19-23

This week in Quest, Eagles learned how detectives create casts to lift footprints that have been left behind in dirt, snow or mud.  They created a plaster, poured it into a frame, waited for the mixture to dry, then lifted up the print.  Eagles were able to see the size of the shoe and inprints left behind.  As a group, we then calculated the height of the criminal based on his or her shoe print.  We determined the thief is about 5 foot 7 inches tall. 


 Some detectives investigated handwriting and practiced various methods of handwriting identification.  They learned how to analyze writing based on letter formation, spacing, and angles.  Based on that information, most Eagles are thinking Suspect #3 wrote the letter that was found at the scene! 


After analyzing the evidence, detectives were given information gathered from 3 suspects; Rebecca Toppings, Wallace Jenkins, and Debbie Peabody.  They compared handwriting samples, fingerprints, and height to make deductions.  A couple groups of detectives deducted that Debbie Peabody is the culprit, while another group says the evidence points to a joint effort between Ms. Peabody and Rebecca Toppings. 


Twice this week, the Eagles came to school to a note left behind by the Mess Monster.  Sadly, the computers were left unlocked and resulted in hard choices for the Eagles.  One day they had to choose between giving up an Eagle Buck or waiting until the next day for their computers.  Every Eagle decided to willingly contribute an Eagle Buck to the pot.  After the computers were left unlocked again on Wednesday, they had the option of giving up an Eagle Buck, lose 15 minutes of free time, or not use computers for the day.  The Eagles decided to vote and give up 15 minutes of their recess. Wonder how often the Mess Monster will be back for our computers...

In Writer's Workshop, Eagles have began testing their instructions.  They read their instructions aloud to a buddy, whose job was to follow the instructions exactly.  They evaluated their peer's technical writing based on order, flow, and engagement.  Eagles tested mixing slime, creating a toilet paper roll monster, building a popsicle house, and making a clay AK-47.  The author's challenge was then to use the peer feedback to improve their instructions. 


In art, Eagles were given instructions from Art Lab which challenged them to create a picture of nature using pastels.  We had Eagles drawing Palo Duro Canyon from an aeriel view, dung beetles, their favorite spot in River Falls, weeping willows, and flowers.  


We are really enjoying our Music block this session! Eagles are being exposed to various genres of music and learning about different cultures.  Tuesday, we learned all about China!  The Eagles loved the Chinese instrumental music. Most of them gave it a 5 out of 5 rating, saying it made them feel peaceful.  We then had the chance to experience Chinese cuisine; egg rolls, fried rice, mango, and green jasmine tea. 

Our new favorite free time activity is Gaga ball! A few Eagles taught us how to play the game and have created a make-shift area using cones. It's been a huge hit!

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 12-16

Detectives are hard at work finding and analyzing clues to catch the suspect who stole the FBI's files.  Eagles are learning how to lift fingerprints that were left behind at a crime scene.  They learned that the suspect's prints are large and loopy. With this knowledge, the Eagles were able to infer the suspect is most likely an adult.   

In Writer's Workshop, Eagles have began drafting their technical writing instructions.  Before going to work, we took a look at an online recipe for Coconut Shrimp.  We noticed the blogger began her post by building up our excitement for the dish.  Even Eagles who expressed a dislike for shrimp or coconut agreed the author made the recipe sound delicious with her use of words like crispy, juicy, and sweet.  The Eagles were then sent off to write introductions that grab a reader's attention and get them excited about following their instructions! 


While Eagles at levels 2-5 work on their technical writing instructions, Level 1 Eagles work on completing writing prompts and handwriting.   To earn their Level 1 Writing Badge, Eagles must complete 15 writing prompts, with complete freedom over their topic.  Once written, the Eagles turn their work into the Excellence Committee who approve work based on the following criteria; the writing makes sense, is handwritten and 3 or more sentences long. 


This session during our creative arts block we are focusing on music!  Our goal is to expose the Eagles to various genres.  We began by playing some classical music, then discussing what the song reminded us of and how it made us feel.  The Eagles were then challenged to put those feelings into a piece of artwork.


In art, we are working towards a time that is entirely learner-led.  Thursday, Eagles were given the choice between 2 different ways to draw a still-life.  Instructions and materials were layed out and Eagles had the freedom to complete the project of their choice.  


Everyday the Eagles take 20 minutes to clean their studio.  They use the chart to choose how they will assist in keeping their space in pristine condition.  The Manager is then in charge of approving areas for Excellence or asking the Eagle to continue cleaning.  


We ended our week with a celebration as Jake was presented with his 2nd Grade Math Badge! Congratulations Jake on your hard work and focus during Core Skils! 


Friday, April 9, 2021

Session 6, April 5-9

 The start of a new session always brings new challenges and excitements! 

In this session's Quest, Detective Training, Eagles have been challenged to solve a crime! Someone stole important files from the FBI and our Eagles are tasked with finding the culprit! On Tuesday, they observed and investigated the crime scene.  They listed evidence and created a visual representation of the scene to report back to their deputy.  


Friday, the Eagles were able to test out various methods of extracting fingerprints.  They learned how to use ink, pencil lead, and chemicals to more easily identify one's fingerprint.

In Writer's Workshop, we are evaluating and working on our own technical writing (instructions).  The Eagles started our time together with a "quiz."  The quiz stated "please read all the questions before you begin your test" and had simple instructions; write your name, write the title of a book in the studio, draw a picture of your favorite animal.  Question #12 instructed them "do not complete steps 2-10."  We quickly realized we all failed to read the instructions carefully!


 Tuesday, Eagles tested out various instructions; creating origami animals, mixing slime, and making chocolate chia pudding.  Their task was to determine what the author did well in writing the instructions and what could have been said or explained better.  


Thursday, they began working on their own instructions.  We have Eagles teaching us how to build an Animal Zoo, draw a sitting fox, change the background on a Chromebook, make slime, complete work in Khan Academy, and make beaded bracelets.  We can't wait to test their instructions out! 


At Thursday's PE, Eagles had 7 minutes to complete as many rounds of; to the line, 10 jumping jacks, back to the start, and 5 situps.  They had complete freedom of how they made it to the other side of the, skip, walk, bear crawl, frog hops, army crawl, etc.  Some Eagles completed over 8 rounds! That's alot of running! 


3 new Eagles joined us this week! Returning Eagles are stepping up to the challenge of helping them navigate and feel comfortable in their new learning environment.  Seeing their independence, confidence, and excitement to share with new friends reminds us of the power of a Learner-Driven Community!  


The weather has been absolutely beautiful and we are taking full advantage!


June 6 - 10

In our Growing Curiosity Quest, Justin from  Avant Garde Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shared with us the art of his sport.  Eagles learned how to cre...