Friday, October 2, 2020

Sept 27- Oct 2

Our studio is beginning to look like an Acton! The walls are filling with anchor charts and artwork, goals cover the whiteboard, a contract awaits Eagles' signatures, and writing is overflowing from portfolios.  

This week, Eagles began tracking their SMART goals on their own.  Every day, they make 2 goals for reading and math.  These goals focus and drive their Core Skills time, giving the young Eagles a purpose for their work time.  At the end of Core Skills, Eagles reflect on the difficulty and progress toward their goal. 


Eagles have completed their memoirs by working through the entire writing process; pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.  During editing, Eagles split into 2 groups to work with a Community of Editors.  Each eagle was given a task to edit specific pieces of their peer's work.  They looked for mistakes in capitalization, punctuation, spelling and word choice.  

Eagles also had the opportunity to meet with a Writing Buddy, an older peer (in this case, our wonderful owners!) who noticed and recommended areas of their writing they could refine and apply to future writing.

We are loving PE time! Especially with this beautiful weather.  On Thursday, the Eagles warmed up with a game of Octopus Tag, then challenged their core strength with a team workout. The Eagles completed a running relay race, while the remaining team members held a plank! 

In art, the Eagles worked together to create a collaborative color wheel. It turned out pretty awesome! 

This week, Eagles spent a lot of time prepping for their Exhibition.  They voted on a schedule, practiced panel questions,  and rehearsed the final product.  The Eagles even coached one another through answering questions that would teach their parents about Acton systems.

We ended our first session with a pizza celebration!

Congratulations Eagles for making it through your first 6 weeks at Acton Academy Amarillo! We are so proud of all your hard work, courage, and grace as we learn and grow together. 

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June 6 - 10

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