We came back to the studio on Monday to 13 butterflies gleefully flying around their habitats. We even had the chance to watch one butterfly emerge from his chrysallis! Next week, Eagles will have the opportunity to test and observe the various types of flowers and fruit their butterflies are attracted to.
We started our week with a deep discussion about heroes. We read Six Dots: A Story of Young Louis Braille, pausing halfway through and discussing rather the young boy was a hero. Many Eagles strongly defended their stance against, saying "he never did anything to help others, he's not a hero simply because he is blind." While others argued that his courage through tough times made him a heroic person. The studio however, unanimously agreed Louis was on a Hero's Journey (even if he was not yet a hero) traveling into an unknown world and finding mentors to help him along the way.
This week, the Eagles have been challenged to hold the Guides accountable to one of the promises they made; to never answer questions. We were inspired by a short clip from our founders Jeff and Laura Sandefer explaining why Guides do not answer questions. They inspired the Eagles that "we trust you to seek your answers, to learn how to think clearly, and make decisions." The Eagles have loved the challenge of tallying every time Mrs. Ashley answers a question.
In Writer's Workshop, Eagles began peer-critiquing their Science-Based Fiction writing. They met with 3 peers to recieve warm-cool-warm feedback on the idea development within their story. Idea Development calls for writers to use a balance of showing and telling sentences, specific details, describe things in unique ways, stay on topic, and clearly show you enjoy the topic.
In art and drama, Eagles are busy preparing short skits for their Exhibition. They created props and backgrounds, determined their stage set-up, and practiced lines. They will have one last chance to practice, then showcase the skills they have learned in drama to their audience on Thursday.
Many Eagles celebrated a week of hard, focused Core Skills work by working outside on Friday. We love getting to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather!
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