Our Game Makers are busy creating and planning their board games! On Wednesday, Eagles were challenged to make decisions regarding their game. Such as the purpose of their game, number of players, the storyline for their game, rules, and an end goal.
On Monday, Eagles were challenged to create a rubric that would be used as a scale of excellence for the games they create. The guides gathered the Eagles' rubrics together and created one means of assessment. The Eagles decided each game needed to be appropriate, entertaining, have a way to win, and include simple rules for players to follow.
Next week, Eagles will have the chance to use various supplies to build a board game and bring their ideas to fruition.
In Writer's Workshop this week, Eagles were challenged with improving the voice within their letter. Writers chose 2 fellow Eagles to read and identify the voice sub-traits they included. One Eagle's partner challenged her with "making her writing sound like her," reminding the Eagle that the types of words present in her letter were not words she typically uses. We love seeing Eagles hold one another accountable and push them to be better writers!
With Open House on Wednesday night, the Eagles were challenged to clean the studio to the expectations of the owners. If successful, they earned 45 minutes of Game Time on Friday. To prepare, the Eagles gathered together to create a plan. They decided to divy up jobs within the studio, pulling sticks to determine who would clean each area.
They were highly motivated by the idea of a reward on Friday, with many Eagles taking on multiple jobs. All 22 Eagles worked together to clean the studio to near perfection! Our Open House visitors were blown away that young learners cleaned the rooms completely on their own. As part of their deal, the Eagles enjoyed 30 minutes of extra Board Game and Bloxel time on Friday.
In drama, our Eagles are creating their own Hero's Journey story to present at next session's Exhibition. They are currently working on their hero's time in the ordinary world and their call to adventure. Our Eagles are so creative and we can't wait to see what their finished products look like.
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