Friday, January 28, 2022

Jan 24-28

Our Game Makers are busy creating and planning their board games!  On Wednesday, Eagles were challenged to make decisions regarding their game.  Such as the purpose of their game, number of players, the storyline for their game, rules, and an end goal. 

On Monday, Eagles were challenged to create a rubric that would be used as a scale of excellence for the games they create.  The guides gathered the Eagles' rubrics together and created one means of assessment.  The Eagles decided each game needed to be appropriate, entertaining, have a way to win, and include simple rules for players to follow. 

Next week, Eagles will have the chance to use various supplies to build a board game and bring their ideas to fruition. 

In Writer's Workshop this week, Eagles were challenged with improving the voice within their letter.  Writers chose 2 fellow Eagles to read and identify the voice sub-traits they included.  One Eagle's partner challenged her with "making her writing sound like her," reminding the Eagle that the types of words present in her letter were not words she typically uses. We love seeing Eagles hold one another accountable and push them to be better writers! 


 With Open House on Wednesday night, the Eagles were challenged to clean the studio to the expectations of the owners.  If successful, they earned 45 minutes of Game Time on Friday.  To prepare, the Eagles gathered together to create a plan.  They decided to divy up jobs within the studio, pulling sticks to determine who would clean each area. 


They were highly motivated by the idea of a reward on Friday, with many Eagles taking on multiple jobs.  All 22 Eagles worked together to clean the studio to near perfection! Our Open House visitors were blown away that young learners cleaned the rooms completely on their own.  As part of their deal, the Eagles enjoyed 30 minutes of extra Board Game and Bloxel time on Friday.  


In drama, our Eagles are creating their own Hero's Journey story to present at next session's Exhibition.  They are currently working on their hero's time in the ordinary world and their call to adventure.  Our Eagles are so creative and we can't wait to see what their finished products look like. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

January 18-21

 Eagles have completed their exploration of probability and are now learning the foundations of building games.  This week, Eagles worked to create games of luck and skill.  Tuesday, they were challenged to create a game of luck with the use of targets or dice.  Then, have a fellow Eagle test out the game and make adjustments based on the current difficulty. Many Eagles realized their game of luck was too challenging and quickly worked to make the needed changes, creating a game that increased the player's odds of winning. 


Wednesday, Eagles were challenged to create a game of skill; focusing on trivia, memory, or building. A few Eagles chose to incentivize their game with a large sum of 'money' being given to the winners.  These games became very popular.  Seems like some of them are tying in their previously learned entrepeneurial skills to sell their game! 


We can't wait to see how the Eagles mix what they have learned about games and game-making with their creativity to create their very own board games! Don't miss our Exhibition on February 11th to test them out! 

Friday, Eagles worked on their online game using Bloxels.  Eagles are creating games that require players to find the master's house, to destroy the king of the monsters, and to survive for a certain amount of time. Parents will also have the opportunity to playtest the video games Eagles have created at the Exhibition. 


In Writer's Workshop, our focus trait this session is Voice.  Eagles are challenged to improve their writing in one of the following areas; making my writing sound like me, assuring my words sound natural, connecting with the reader, displaying my personaility, and writing in a way that displays how I feel about my topic.  At the end of the session, Eagles will send their letters to their hero and patiently await a response.


This session, we implemented a new game of Freedom Levels.  Eagles have the opportunity to earn freedoms in the studio based on their hard work and kindness.   Every goal they set and achieve in Journey Tracker counts as a point towards their Freedom Level; reading Badge Book pages, completing handwriting prompts, Lexia units, Dreambox coins and more! 

Many Eagles are pursuing flow and working to earn the top level, Soaring, which requires over 130 points and a peer feedback score above a 3.  This takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but seems to be well worth the freedoms of Wednesday Computer Game Time, couch freedom, beanbag freedom, and the choice to eat snack anytime during the day! 


Faced with a high of 17 degrees and the rest of the church being occupied, our PE leaders were challenged with engaging 22 Eagles with PE inside the studio.  The two leaders chose to start with a Go-Noodle warmup video, UNO workout relay, and finished with a game of All My Friends. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Session 4 Week 1 & 2, Jan 3-14

 Welcome back to Acton and 2022! 

This session, we are diving deep into Game Design!  By the end of the six weeks, Eagles will be tasked with the challenge of creating their own board and video games.  This week's challenges immersed the learners in games of probability; testing out various games to determine if they could use skill to win games of chance.  The Eagles came to the consensus skill had nothing to do with these games, they were purely luck.  They could use probability, but not skill to detemine the number a dice landed on, where the Skittle dropped, what bead they pulled out of the bag, or what cup the Skittle was under. 


Last Friday, game-makers utilized the program Bloxels to create their own video-game.  At the Exhibition, parents will have the opportunity to test out various online and board games to choose their favorite and one they feel would be most successful in the marketplace. 

To finish off week 2, Eagles tested out what they had learned about probability with a Casino Day.  Parent volunteers came in to run tables and lead Eagles in various games of Lucky Wheel, Roulette, Blackjack, Tossing Pennies, Craps, and Ring Toss.  Each were given 20 tokens and challenged to win as many as possible. Just like a regular casino, the studio was bursting with screams and excitement! 


In our closing discussion, Eagles discussed the reasoning behind the games they chose. Most choosing games they were successful at and could earn the most tokens.  Many Eagles were able to incorportate strategy and skill into the games and raise their chance of winning.


Our Writer's Workshop this session is Letter to a Hero.  Our learners have spent the last two weeks learning about people who inspire them.  We have Eagles choosing to research and write to Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, David Baszucki (the creator or Roblox), Taylor Swift, and many others.  

After learning about their hero and important connections they may have, the Eagles worked with their tables to research the parts of a formal letter.  As a studio, they were then able to determine that a formal letter needs the sender's address, date, salutation (or what they are choosing to call heading), body, closing, and the author's name.  


Next week, they will start drafting their letters! 

We opened our creative art block up to the learners this session and they chose drama! So for the next 12 weeks, Eagles will be learning about and creating their own drama scenes.  Hopefully to perform them at a future exhibition! 

In drama, Eagles are focusing on the Hero's Journey.  They began the week by researching the Hero's Journey in their favorite movies; Hercules, Star Wars, Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings and Mulan.  After seeing the connection between their favorite movies and the journey every hero takes, Eagles will work with a group to create their own Hero's Journey story. 

Our studio also had the pleasure of welcoming Miss Alison this week! She will be filling in while Miss Ashley is out on maternity leave and will serve as the Middle School guide in the fall. 

June 6 - 10

In our Growing Curiosity Quest, Justin from  Avant Garde Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shared with us the art of his sport.  Eagles learned how to cre...