Friday, May 21, 2021

May 17-21

Wow, what a week! 

In this session's Quest, Detective Training, Eagles worked through 12 different challenges that taught them how to use clues and biology to catch suspects.  So, for our Exhibition the Eagles created a crime for their parents to solve! 



Many Eagles chose to step up and lead the Exhibition planning.  To choose the Eagles who would lead it, the studio decided to have a secret ballot.  The 2 voted-on Eagles were given a list of preparation questions and set off to work! They designated jobs, wrote a crime, set up a crime scene, created challenges for the parents, designed a program, set up work spaces, and planned discussion questions. 


The Eagles began their Exhibition by setting the stage... Someone stole a diamond toilet from Barb Smith's house. The 3 suspects were Augustus Ceasar the landlord, Rose Lily the housekeeper, and Bob Smith the husband.  The housekeeper Rose Lily was cleaning the house and went to the bathroom to notice the toilet was missing! During this time, the landlord was busy mowing the grass and Bob was headed home on his private jet. Parents were then tasked with solving the crime and discovering which suspect stole the diamond toilet! 


Eagles created 5 challenges for the parents to complete to help them find the culprit.  They began with an investigation and drawing of the crime scene, as well as an evidence checklist.  They then were given the fingerprints gathered by the CSI team to compare to the fingerprints found at the scene.  The Eagles even provided parents with a conversion to calulate the suspect's height based on the footprint left behind.  Their final task was to compare the three suspects' handwritings to a note found at the scene.  Families who completed the 5 challenges earned their own Detective badge! 



The Eagles completed the Exhibition by sharing Minute Mysteries they had written and discussing their favorite challenges from Quest and Exhibition. 


So many other fun things happened this week!

Tuesday, the Eagles celebrated the end of their music exploration with some Karaoke! They were provided a list of songs to choose from and the freedom to perform how they wished.  They had so much fun! 


Thursday, we tested our athletic progress with an Acton Olympics.  Eagles were challenged to a 40 meter sprint, 400 meter run around the field, 1 minute of burpees and a max plank hold.  The goal was to beat their previous scores from February and October.  We had some incredible times! Anyone want to challenge these Eagles to a plank hold?! We had some hold a plank for 10 MINUTES! 


Our toughest Writer's Workshop yet is complete!  This session the Eagles had to complete two sets of instructions and take them all the way through the writing process. Many Eagles stepped up to the challenge and turned in their work to be checked by the Excellence Committee to earn a piece of their Writing Badge.  The Eagles decided that on June 4th they would compile any completed instructions to make 'A Big Book of Instructions' for the studio.  


We finished our week with another hard-earned badge! Congratulations Grae on earning your Level 2 Math Badge! 

Enjoy your break and we will see you back in the studio June 1st! 

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June 6 - 10

In our Growing Curiosity Quest, Justin from  Avant Garde Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shared with us the art of his sport.  Eagles learned how to cre...