Monday, May 3, 2021

April 26-30

In Quest, the Eagles (detectives in training) have been challenged to 2 other investigations!

First, someone stole the famous cat, Stingray! Crime Scene Investigators found various hairs in 5 suspects' cars.  Our Eagles analyzed these hairs to determine who stole Stingray.  During this process we learned that scientists have a very difficult job to cleary see through a microscope.  Based on the hair found in his car, Eagles are thinking suspect 2 stole Stingray. 


In another investigation, someone killed Fred's pet chicken while he was on vacation! There are 2 people who had access to Fred's chicken while he was away, however, neither one of them will admit to the crime! When the forensic pathologist arrived, he found maggots all over the chicken's body.  Using the maggots, he was able to determine the chicken's time of death and arrest a suspect.  Our detectives have been challenged to determine who they arrested by observing the lifecycle of a fruit fly and determining how long ago the chicken died. 

Sadly, the Case of the Missing Files cannot be solved yet either! The Eagle's prime suspect Debby Peaboddy claims she was out of town when the crime occured.  However, the detectives found bread left behind at the scene that had molded by the time we arrived.  Based on the evidence, the chief calculated that the crime happened 7 days before we found it.  Now, the detectives are testing bread in various elements to determine if Debbie Peaboddy could actually be innocent.  


Every 3 days in Quest, the Eagles put their detective skills to the test to solve 2-Minute Mysteries.  For 40 extra points, Eagles can write their own mystery.  One Eagle challenged us to solve what happened to the boy who "fell" climbing a volcano, while another Eagle shared a mystery at the beach. 


On Tuesday, we began the week with a team challenge.  The Eagles were split into teams and challenged to move 10 dice from a cup to a plastic bag without using their hands, feet, or mouths.  Man, it was tough! Some Eagles worked together and found a way to complete the challenge multiple times.  They said their secret was teamwork; each team member had a specific job and this helped them to reach their goal.  


In our creative art's time, Eagles were challenged to compose their own music using Chrome Music Lab.  They had the chance to explore sound and how music works through various experiments.  We spent the last 10 minutes sharing and celebrating our creativity.  We heard some great beats!  

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June 6 - 10

In our Growing Curiosity Quest, Justin from  Avant Garde Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shared with us the art of his sport.  Eagles learned how to cre...