Friday, December 4, 2020

Session 3 Nov 30- Dec 4

 Our studio has been transformed into Acton Athens! 

During quest this session, Eagles enter the world of Acton Athens.  Here, they are presented with 12 challenges of varying difficulty.  From choosing a Greek avatar, to creating and using an abacus, sculpting a Greek hero, making a timeline of Greek history, and having their own Socratic Smackdown Discussions.  Each challenge that is completed to excellence earns the Eagles coins to spend in Agora (the Market). 

Eagles have learned about Greek gods, goddesses, and philosophers,


weaved potholders, 

created abacuses, 

and tried out some Greek snacks. 

As part of Acton Athens, the Eagles created an Excellence Committee to approve work for coins.  Here at Acton, we judge excellence by 4 standards- Is it my best work? Is it better than last time? How does it compare to a world-class example? Is it ready for exhibition? 

The Excellence Committee is in charge of approving each item.  They review the work, compare it to the examples given, check for excellent work based on the Eagles' level, and award coins or ask for corrections.  

This session's writing genre is Pitch a Field Trip.  The Eagles are challenged to research a field trip they would like the community to go on next session.  They have the following parameters; less than $10 an Eagle, no further than 20 minutes from Acton, and during school hours. At the end of the session, the Eagles will pitch their plan to their fellow Eagles, who will then vote on the winning field trip! 


On Wednesday, the Eagles closed out their day with a game of Get on the Chair.  They were challenged to move themselves from their current chair into the correct order, without touching the ground.  Their communication skills are really improving from session 1, they ALMOST completed it.  We'll have to try it again next week! 

We are so proud of each improvement; rather emotional, social, or educational that we see in our Eagles each day! 

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