To begin our Gardening Quest, the Eagles are learning about plant science. They have learned about plant cells, photosynthesis, and capillary action. Most of the learning is happening through conducting experiments. Eagles are testing if light affects plant growth and what happens when you place stemmed plants into colored water. These experiments will each last a few days as Eagles observe the changes in their plants! Next week, we will investigate what is happening on the outside of the plant to help it grow; soil, seeds and pollination.
In Writer's Workshop, the Eagles are working on Science-Based fiction. This first week has been spent researching and learning about the animal they wish to write about. We have learned some interesting facts! Did you know rabbits hate to be bathed, it can cause them to become so nervous they break a bone? Over the next couple of weeks Eagles will work to weave the facts they have learned about their animal into a fictional story.
Can you believe Acton Amarillo has doubled since first opening our doors in August? We now have 16 Eagles! We celebrated with another Acton Olympics test! Founding Eagles were challenged to beat their previous times, while new Eagles set a benchmark for themselves. These Eagles never seize to amaze us....we had 5 Eagles plank for 10 minutes!
In drama, Eagles were challenged to choose a place in nature, draw the scene, then perform a short skit. Other Eagles were then tasked to guess the Eagle's nature scene. We had Eagles skiing through the Arctic, seeing mirages in the desert, floating through outerspace, and tanning on the beach.
We were able to add in some art this week and the Eagles loved completing some draw alongs! They followed the steps to draw unicorns, Charmander, llamas, Mario, Squirtle and other creatures.
Friday celebration was chosen by the Eagles this week! Anyone who followed the Rules of Engagement (wait your turn, listen, be on time, agree or disagree, and explain) worked together to choose the celebration. The Eagles chose to celebrate with some computer game time!